Offenbach – city of weather

Offenbach is the city where "the weather is made", and with the German Meteorological Office (DWD) and the first Weather Park, it can lay claim to being the "weather capital" of Germany.
On 20,000 square meters of former wasteland, we conceived and designed a permanent public exhibition on the subject of weather for the city of Offenbach, the Rhine-Main planning association and the DWD.



The combination of information and product design, architecture and landscape planning has produced a unique space for experiences and recreation, where visitors can gain insight into the complex relationships between types of weather, as well as the scientific background, in a way that is easy to understand.



Visitors are invited to observe actively or to interact, to encourage them to open up their senses to the many types of weather that can occur and how they affect people. This makes for an enthralling visit not only for those who already have an interest in the subject, but also for families with children and school groups, for whom interacting with the objects in the park can be a source of fascinating food for thought.



A group of patrons supported by the DWD and the city of Offenbach organizes a program of events offering interesting tours and afternoon experiments primarily for children.

You can find out more here: (German only)






architecture, brand strategy, conception, construction management, consultancy, creative direction, design, editorial work, engineering, exhibition design, graphic design, illustration, landscape architecture, operational support, planning, product design, tender services, visual identity


2002 – 2011


Bernd Hilpert und Peter Eckart, Jochen Leinberger, Bruno Scheffler, Alexandra Zaree Parsi, Kathrin Krell, Christiane Both


Regionalpark RheinMain, Stadt Offenbach, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Eumetsat, EZMW


Eibe Sönnecken, Christian Lauer, Norbert Miguletz